
Banania poster 45 x 65 for sale
Banania poster 45 x 65 for sale

Frederick Strothmann, “Beat Back the Hun with Liberty Bonds” 114 18. Anonymous, “Britain Needs You at Once” 99 17. Leo Schnug, “Kameraden zeichnet die VIIte Kriegsanleihe” 88 15. Lucian Bernhard, “Das ist der Weg zum Frieden” 82 14. Anonymous, “Is your home worth fighting for?” 45 10. Wagon displaying Food Administration poster 15 7. Food Administration bonds billboard 13 6. Bell ringers promote Liberty Loan bonds 12 5.

banania poster 45 x 65 for sale

James Montgomery Flagg’s recruitment move 11 4. Iowa potatoes, “the newest fighting corps” 7 2. Selected Bibliography Contributors 383 Index 387ġ. Iconography of Injury: Encountering the Wounded Soldier’s Body in American Poster Art and Photography of World War I J OH N M. Humanitarians and He-Men: Recruitment Posters and the M EG A LBR INC K 312 Masculine Ideal 11. Images of Femininity in American World War I Posters PEARL JAMES 273 10. FIGURING THE BODY IN THE CONTEX T OF WARĩ. Segodniashnii Lubok: Art, War, and National Identity ANDREW M. Images of Racial Pride: African American Propaganda Posters in the First World War JENNIF ER D. Race and Empire in French Posters of the Great War RI CH ARD S.

banania poster 45 x 65 for sale

Young Blood: Parisian Schoolgirls’ Transformation of France’s Great War Poster Aesthetic MA R K LE V ITC H 145 6. ENVISIONING THE NATION AND IMAGINING NATIONAL AESTHETICSĥ. Regression versus Progression: Fundamental Differences in German and American Posters of the First World War JA KUB K AZECKI & JA S O N LIEBLA NG 111 Part 2. Chivalrous Knights versus Iron Warriors: Representations of the Battle of Matériel and Slaughter in Britain and Germany, 1914–1940 ST EFA N GO EBEL 79 4. Barbaric Anti-Modernism: Representations of the “Hun” in Britain, North America, Australia, and Beyond NICOLE T TA F. WAR POSTER CAMPAIGNS AND IMAGES, COMPARATIVE READINGSĢ. Imaginings of War: Posters and the Shadow of the Lost Generation JAY W INT ER 37 Part 1. List of Illustrations vii Acknowledgments ix Introduction: Reading World War I Postersġ. Visual communication-History-20th century. (Studies in war, society, and the military) Includes bibliographical references and index. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Picture this : World War I posters and visual culture / edited and with an introduction by Pearl James. Publication of this book was supported in part by grants from the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs at Davidson College, Davidson, North Carolina, and the Office of the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, University of Kentucky. © 2009 by the Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska All rights reserved Manufactured in the United States of America R UNNING FOOT R UNNINGF OOTRUNNI NGF OOTRUNNI NGF OOTĪND VISUAL CULTURE EDITED AND WITH AN INTRODUC TION BY PEARL JAMES Travers University of Calgary Arthur Waldron Lauder Professor of International Relations University of Pennsylvania II Army Command and General Staff College (retired) Timothy H. Marshall Professor of Military History U.S.

banania poster 45 x 65 for sale

Simpson Arizona State University Roger J. Clodfelter National War College Brooks D. Peter Maslowski University of Nebraska–Lincoln David Graff Kansas State University Reina Pennington Norwich University E D I T O R I A L BOAR Dĭ’Ann Campbell Director of Government and Foundation Relations, U.S. Studies in War, Society, and the Military G E N E R A L E DIT ORS R UN N I N G F O O T R UN N I NG FOOT R UNNING FOOT

Banania poster 45 x 65 for sale